Colonial Liquor

Mimosa Cocktail at Colonial Liquor




Mimosa Cocktail (1925)

1 part champagne
1 part fresh orange juice

Ensure both ingredients are well chilled, then mix into the glass. Serve cold....
We believe that the mix should be more 7/8 champagne and 1/8 orange juice - the orange juice is just for color! But you mix it the way you and your guest like!

Serve in fluted Champagne glass




The Bar:
The Hotel Ritz in Paris

The Mimosa is a cocktail composed of one part champagne (or other sparkling wine) and one part chilled citrus fruit juice, usually orange juice unless otherwise specified. It is traditionally served in a tall champagne flute with morning brunch to guest at weddings, or as part of "1st Class" service on some passenger railways and airlines.

It is believed to have been invented cira 1925 in the Hotel Ritz in Paris by Frank Meier. It is probably named after the common name in Anglophone Europe for the yellow flowers of Acacia dealbata.

A "Buck's Fizz" is similar, but with twice as much orange juice as champagne.